The details of our contacts at the ÖGUSSA locations in Austria can be found here. Our experts are happy to help you. Find out more about our services and contact us for anything to do with precious metals, precious metal buying and precious metal selling, gold bars, jewellery gold, old gold, scrap gold and dental gold. We look forward to assisting you.

Mag. Fasching Marcus
General Manager
T +43 1 866 46 -4320

Ing. Friedl Michael MSc.
Head of Chemical Production and Qualitymanagement
T +43 1 866 46 -4360

DI Cerveny Daniel
Head of Mechanical Production
T +43 1 866 46 -4300

DI Macsek Günter
Head of IT, Purchasing and Building Services
T +43 1 866 46 -7300

Mag. König Gerald
Head of Refining Business
T +43 1 866 46 -4153

Dr. Sekanina Alexander
CFO | Administration, Precious Metal Management, Procurement and Expedit
T +43 1 866 46 -4310

Walz Reinhard
Head of Sales and Marketing
T +43 1 866 46 -4400

Mag. Malzer Simon Msc.
Precious Metal Management
T +43 1 866 46 -4999

Maurer Ines MA
T +43 1 866 46 -4221

Voitl Gabriele
Assistant Sales and Marketing
T +43 1 866 46 -4212

Leitner Christian
Business Development, Technical Sales
T +43 1 866 46 -4211

Burdová Alena
Responsible for Branch Prag
T +420 2 96 580 150

Fryc Silvia
Head of sales office Vienna Liesing & product management
T +43 1 866 46 -4138

Senfter Johannes
Responsible for Branch Innsbruck
T +43 512 56 00 63

Spanring Sylvia
Responsible for Branch Klagenfurt
T +43 463 57 8 75

Stäblein Johannes
Responsible for Branch Salzburg
T +43 662 87 31 57

Stipsits Thomas
Responsible for Branch Gumpendorf
T +43 1 59961 -5305

Zengerer Alois
Responsible for Branch Graz
T +43 316 82 43 30

Zöhrer Margit
Responsible for Branch Dornbirn
T +43 5572 205 777

Mag. Bajmoczy Nikolaus
Head of Controlling
T +43 1 866 46 -4340

Geyer Sabine
Head of Administrative Accounting
T +43 1 866 46 -4336

Ing. Pichler Ernst
Head of Customer Service Industrialmetals
T +43 1 866 46 -4214

Kramarik Wolfgang
Key Account & Support Jewelrymetals Headquarters Wien-Liesing
T +43 1 866 46 -4132

Hrachowina Werner
Technical Sales
T +43 1 866 46 -4216

Marguet Frédéric
Technical Sales France, Belgium and Maghreb
T +43 1 866 46 -4209

Berger Rudolf
T +43 1 866 46

Aigner Corina
Kundenservice Industriemetalle
T +43 1 866 46 -4202

Amon Herta
Customer Service Industrialmetals
T +43 1 866 46 -4205

Baierl Ursula
T +43 1 866 46 -4146

Bauer Günther
Customer Service Branch Gumpendorf
T +43 1 59961 -5303

Ing. Borgan Andreas MSc.
T +43 1 866 46 -4366

Dieckmann Sascha
Customer Service Branch Innsbruck
T +43 512 56 00 63

Eder Ernst
Customer Service Branch Salzburg
T +43 662 87 31 57

Erlbeck Heidi
Customer Service Branch Graz
T +43 316 82 43 30

Evangelidis Apostolos-Lukas
Technical Sales
T +43 1 866 46 -4222

Faltinová Jana
Customer Service Branch Prag
T +420 2 96 580 150

Feyerer Martina
Customer Service Industrialmetals
T +43 1 866 46 -4215

Freudlsperger Birgit
Customer Service Branch Dornbirn
T +43 5572 205 777

Füchsl Ulrike
Customer Service Soldering and Welding Technology
T +43 1 866 46 -4206

Futterknecht Philipp
Customer Service Precious Metal Recycling
T +43 1 866 46 -4155

Geyer Susanne
Customer Service Industrialmetals
T +43 1 866 46 -4220

Halama Manuela
Customer Service Industrialmetals
T +43 1 866 46 -4219

Halmai László
Representation Hungary (Agent)
T +36 30 540 80 97

Halmai Zuzana
Representation Hungary (Agent)
T +36 30 590 40 11

Mag. Hartmann Claudia BSc.
Human resources
T +43 1 866 46 - 4343

Hennerbichler Kerstin
Responsible for Branch Linz
T +43 732 77 11 37 -5402

Kaineder Katharina
Customer Service Branch Linz
T +43 732 77 11 37 -5402

Karlick Natascha
T +43 1 866 46 -4145

Keutschegger Katharina
Customer Service Branch Gumpendorf
T +43 1 59961 -5304

Kulhava Yveta
Customer Service Branch Prag
T +420 2 96 580 150

Lehner Patrick
Customer Service Precious Metal Recycling
T +43 1 866 46 -4158

Luppar Martina
Customer Service Branch Gumpendorf
T +43 1 59961 -5306

Machulka Katharina
Customer Service Vienna Liesing
T +43 1 866 46 -4136

Messmer Véronique
Customer Service Industrialmetals France, Belgium and Maghreb
T +43 1 866 46 -4210

Mischitz Ingrid
Customer Service Branch Klagenfurt
T +43 463 57 8 75

Nepp Claudia
Customer Service Vienna Liesing
T +43 1 866 46 -4135

Piller Carmen
Customer Service Branch Graz
T +43 316 82 43 30

Plemyannikov Georgy
Customer Service Branch Gumpendorf
T +43 1 59961 -5307

Schmidt Marlene
Customer Service Vienna Liesing
T +43 1 866 46 -4141

Schornsteiner Birgit
Customer Service Branch Linz
T +43 732 77 11 37 -5403

Schwarzer-Marschall Martina
Customer Service Industrialmetals
T +43 1 866 46 -4208

DI Stanzl Patrick
Customer Service Industrialmetals France, Belgium and Maghreb
T +43 1 866 46 -4218

Suttnig Petra
Customer Service Branch Klagenfurt
T +43 463 57 8 75

Tank Emrullah
Customer Service Vienna Liesing
T +43 1 866 46 -4142

Tauber Gerald
Customer Service Precious Metal Recycling
T +43 1 866 46 -4157

Yozgat Tugay
Customer Service Industrialmetals
T +43 1 866 46 -4203